Sunday, October 18, 2009

Da. Het.


Tverskya -- The street outside of the school
Dear Mr. Harvey Fancey Paws,
It's Sunday again! The only time I get to write on this thing. Kapustnick happend. I've decided to change my spelling of it. It was fun. It was totally weird going into this new, very tight community and participating as an outsider. I'm still not caught up on sleep from this crazy week.
On Monday I saw Tartuffe. I think I might be the only one who liked made zero sense and was totally weird. For the first act I sat there with my mouth hanging open feeling a bit violated...but by the second act I warmed up. Imagine if Lady Gaga decided to direct Tartuffe without reading it first while trying to incoperate some softcore porn. But I love weird things...I even love unwarranted weird things. And I would just like to point out that no one fell asleep during that show, even though we were all extremely tired.
I did not get to see Pillow Man yesterday...the tickets were unavailable. I was extremely disapointed. My other big bummer is that I've somehow reawakend my back injury. Movement is probably my favorite class, and my back is the most flexible part of my body, but because of my current state, I can't participate fully and it's driving me INSANE. I hope I've just bruised it and that I haven't seriously hurt myself.
On Friday I saw a show that I hated. It was some odd version of Ivanov that basically just upset me. They tried to make some sort of slapstick farce out of it. I left at intermission.
Then, just now, I saw a dance show called "Carmen." It was more movement than dance, but I loved every second. It was very sensual, and very engaging. I'm feeling rather inspired right now actually...I would love to do something like that for an etude.
I'm telling you about my week all out of order. Okay. So Monday I saw Tartuffe, and then we rehearsed for Kapustnick all week. Thursday was the actual Kapusti Party. Friday I saw stupid Ivanov. Saturday night I tried and failed to see Pillowman and ended up coming home instead. THEN I went out with a small group to a bar called Vinograd...or something like that. I danced almost the entire time I was there, and then two cosmos and one vodka shot later, made my way home...where the fun continued. I made an unfortunate discovery around 4 am, however. To prevent fires, the Babushkas cut the power to all the stoves and ovens. I wanted eggs, but niet. couldn't make eggs.
Now we are on Sunday. Kirsten woke me up. We have decided to go out to brunch ever sunday, so I showered and we took off to find coffee and other such goodies. It was an absolutely beautiful day...cold fall air, yellow leaves, and a perfect blue sky. I ran little errands and bought fruit from a wonderfully kind lady on the street. I can see her fruit stand from my's one of my favorite things. The colors of the produce strike me as incredibly beautiful. I wonder if I will still see her when the winter sets in.
And THEN! I COOKED! and it was delicious. I'm bringing it for lunch tomorrow. AND THEN! I went to see Carmen. And that was delicious too. And Now, I'm home, writing a blog. Soon, I will be feeling very frustrated along with the rest of the ensemble as we try to construct tomorrow's etude.
Love, love.

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