Saturday, August 29, 2009

The First of Many

My Dearest Charlotte,

So, while Hannah has decided to name her blog "Mr. Harvey Fancy Paws" I have decided to give mine a most old fashioned name. I've always been a big fan of letters written by soldiers in a time of war, be it WWI, WWII, The Vietnam War, The Spanish-American War, or the most epic of all letter writing wars, The Civil War. So I felt that Charlotte was a nice name that seemed to transcend all of these time periods. In conclusion, henceforth Charlotte is her name-o.

So, we haven't left for Russia yet. Which is GREAT. Instead of doing something crazy, like going back to school, I'm hanging around MA, kickin' it and squandering away my precious time before departing. But not all of my time as been squandered or kicked, I have found time to do many things that I haven't done in forever. I've completed 5/30 of Pikmin for GameCube, almost made a friendship bracelet, changed my computer's background image, filled my bike tires up with air, and other things of this nature. CLEARLY, these are all priorities that needed to take precedent over my thousands of pages of reading...clearly.

So in other news, after an amazing first few attempts of Visa Application Form Filling Out our Visas were all accepted by the Russian Consulate. Good News. I have to give the Russian Consulate credit for being extremely picky about who gets to stay in their country. It's almost been like an endurance challenge. Here's something fun to do if you have a free hour or two, try to explain to someone that you need an AIDS test, but you don't have AIDS or think you have AIDS, you just NEED to have the test. Nurses think you are a nut case.

But, besides that it's all been very nice so far, very relaxing. I'm sure once I get to Connecticut something or someone will slap me in the face and say "Welcome to Your Life Changing Experience." I've been listening to Passing Strange a lot lately. And you're probably thinking, "How is that pretinent?" Well, Charlotte, it is because it has a lot to do with find yourself and your art in other foreign countries. In an interview with Spike Lee and himself, Stew said something which has giving me an extra push towards hopping on a plane to Moscow immediately. Stew said, "...Art made me curious to leave where I was from, and find out more about the world." Get it, Stew. Get it.

Well, this is a LONG blog. I'm gonna cap it here. So here's my Civil War ending. "These next few weeks will go by drudgingly slow my darling, yet through the darkest of nights your love guides me like a beacon of hope towards the approaching dawn. As my battalion readies itself for another two week march through Massachussetts, I am reminded of your warm embrace by the sweet summer breeze that wafts ever so softly throughout the valley. Sometimes, I swear I can hear your voice in each passing gust, whispering words of encouragement as I forage onward into the unknown."


1 comment:

  1. I love that you used the phrase "And things of this nature" I love it!
