Saturday, September 5, 2009

Cirque Du Soviet


My last week has been pretty busy. We've been short staffed at work all week so I've seen a lot more action than usual. However, occupational happenings aside, it has been a productive week in terms of getting my shit together for Russia. 

My Russian phrase book arrived this week, and has helped me learn some simple Russian sentences. It has also helped me realized just how amazingly challenging the language barrier is going to be. The alphabet is nuts, the words are even crazier. I'm amazed at just how complicated learning Russian is going to be, but I willingly except that challenge. Bring it on.

On a similar preparation note, I've recently begun my physical preparations for Moscow. Getting my body in shape for movement training as been a priority this summer. Movement Class this past year was a relatively rude awakening to just how out of touch i was with my physical fitness, so i made it a goal to be back to full strength by the end of the summer. So far, so good. I've been working out and stretching like it's my job. I want to be Cirque du Soleil ready by the time I get back from Moscow. Example of Cirque du Soleil Ready :

Along some similar lines, I have decided to set some goals for myself, in terms of where i want to be when I return to the States. After looking at what this training means to me and what it could do for me I went back to the NTI Handbook to go over the class list once again. It was then that I reread a paragraph about just how serious of an opportunity this is for us. The passage reads, "The MXAT School is one of the most respected theater schools in Europe, and the people who work and study there have already dedicated their lives to theater.  The Russian students at the MXAT School, with whom you will be sharing your living and working spaces, were selected from thousands of applicants; many of them have very little money (for them the school is free), and for some it is their one and only chance to support their families and enter a successful artistic career." When I first started auditioning for schools one of the department chairs said, "If you can think of doing something else for a living, then get out of this room. This needs to be your life." I believed that i couldn't do anything else the rest of my life, but I'm hoping to take my passion for theatre up a couple notches. I'm hoping that being in an environment with fellow students who are giving up so much to pursue their craft will inspire me become a stronger, wiser and more passionate actor.

Faithfully Yours,

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